Ronald Reagans
Statement on the Observance of National Peace Through Strength Week
September 22, 1984
marks the beginning of National Peace Through Strength
Week. All Americans place great value on peace; it is part of our national
character. Activities during Peace Through Strength Week will support a
commonsense, reasonable approach to security, peace, and deterring war. Rallies
in all 50 States on September 29th, organized by a bipartisan coalition of
Americans, will be held under the auspices of the Coalition of Peace Through
Strength and the American Security Council. These citizens will be expressing
support for a strategy of peace based on a strong defense.
If history
teaches us anything, it is that a strong defense is the prerequisite to a
lasting peace, the only credible deterrent against aggression. And a strong
defense will enable us to reach sound arms control agreements. Arms control,
negotiated from strength, can significantly reduce the levels of weapons
threatening mankind and enhance confidence between potential adversaries.
We Americans maintain our military strength with the fervent hope that
it will never be used, and with the conviction that this is, indeed, the best
way to preserve the peace. We maintain our defensive strength in concert with
our allies and friends, whose freedom and independence is vital to our own
security. Our national strength, of course, is not based only on the force of
arms. The ideals of human liberty are themselves powerful weapons in the world
competition between democracy and totalitarianism. Thus, it is fitting that
Americans from all walks of life and many citizens of our fellow democracies are
working to strengthen democratic institutions throughout the world. It is
becoming clearer every day, especially to emerging countries in the Third World,
that democracy is not only the best path to freedom but, also, the most
effective way of achieving economic progress. Democracy is the way to a more
peaceful world. The ultimate goal of Peace Through Strength Week is a world
where the people of each nation are free to determine their own destiny and
where no state threatens its neighbors.
Therefore, I commend the efforts
of my fellow Americans who have organized this special week. Its purpose is
consistent with America's continuing commitment to world peace, justice, and