"The Nativity story of nearly twenty centuries ago is known by all faiths
as a hymn to the brotherhood of man. For Christians, it is the fulfillment
of age-old prophecies and the reaffirmation of God's great love for all of
us. Through a generous Heavenly Father's gift of His Son, hope and compassion
entered a world weary with fear and despair and changed it for all time. On
Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Christ with prayer, feasting, and great
merriment. But, most of all, we experience it in our hearts. For, more than
just a day, Christmas is a state of mind. It is found throughout the year
whenever faith overcomes doubt, hope conquers despair, and love triumphs over
hate. It is present when men of any creed bring love and understanding to
the hearts of their fellow man. The feeling is seen in the wondrous faces
of children and in the hopeful eyes of the aged. It overflows the hearts
of cheerful givers and the souls of the caring. And it is reflected in the
brilliant colors, joyful sounds, and beauty of the winter season. Let us
resolve to honor this spirit of Christmas and strive to keep it throughout
the year." ---Ronald Reagan (http://Reagan2020.US/)