Neil's wild kingdomI came downstairs this morning and went to sit down on the toilet. out of the corner of my eye I caught movement coming from the bowl! Just under the rim of the bowl was a spider
the size of a half dollar! I mustered up the courage and with a wad of toilet paper I reached in and killed the spider. Deep breath, second attempt to sit down, another glimpse of movement! now a cricket
is in the bowl for a morning swim! After dealing with the cricket my window of opurtunity had passed, so I took a shower and left for work. As usual, Nancy was walking to the door with me and as I open the door she usually runs out, but this morning she did not? She just stood there, I paused, this hesitation saved me! for coming off the porch and down the steps waddled a skunk!
Nancy saved me from an absolutly horrible morning! You think this would be enough encounters with nature right? Nope! As I got out of the car to get the a package left out for me, a dog,
growling, came running after me from the side of the house! I grabbed the package and ran, just getting into my car. With my heart racing, I drove off thinking, what a start to the day! route 24 to 78 to diamond hill rd, by this time my heart had calmed down and I was focussed on my first stop. Just then five deer
ran accross the road right in front of me! The last one accross was a little too slow and its hoof caught the front of my car and spun around its head just missing my car! I am writing this from the 7-11 in Westfield. I am somewhat nervous about getting back on the road!