Nov. 10, 2009
Reeves – Keanu (45) died of dehydration on the front lawn
of his home in the Hollywood hills Tuesday morning.
The 45-year-old actor reportedly accepted a challenge from
fellow actor and former co-star Gary Busey, who claimed Reeves
“couldn’t act his way out of a paper bag.”
Reeves spent his final four days in a 8 x 5 foot brown sack
deprived of food and water. Witnesses passing by Reeves’
home said they could faintly hear the “actor” reading scenes
from the famed works of Shakespeare and Tennessee Williams,
but claimed he “just wasn’t believable,” due to his rigid delivery
and surfer dialect. Others pointed out that his performance
suffered greatly from its complete absence of special effects.
Keanu Reeves leaves behind his mother, Patricia, his father,
Sam, and two sisters, Karina and Kim. The name “Keanu,”
given to him by his father, means “cool breeze over the mountains”
in Hawaiian. However, in English, “Keanu” means “extremely fu---ble.”
Reeves’ ashes are to be set to sea off the coast of the island of Maui.
via Jest