Thursday, December 22, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
Dec 16th 1944

American casualties for just this battle!
78,000 casualties
8,607 dead
21,144 missing
23,500 prisoners
47,139 wounded
That was just one battle in WWII.
Imagine if the left in this country where facing these numbers now.
The battle of Iraq has nowhere near the cost in human life.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005
to be important and powerfull.
Heres a review I thought was interesting.
click here to read the review
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
- Joe Biden...................1,000,000 -1
- Chuck Hagel...............1,000-1
- Russ Feingold............400-1
- Rick Santorum..........275-1
- Christopher Dodd.....200-1
- Sam Brownback.........100-1
- John Kerry.................100-1 (1-1 in his own mind)
- Bill Frist......................50-1
- Evan Bayh.................25-1
- John McCain..............20-1
- Goerge Allen..............3-1
- Hillary Clinton...........3-1
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Is Earth in a vortex of space-time?
We'll soon know the answer:
A NASA/Stanford physics experiment called
Gravity Probe B (GP-B) recently finished a year
of gathering science data in Earth orbit.
The results, which will take another year to analyze,
should reveal the shape of
space-time around Earth
-----------------------and, possibly, the vortex.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
and we need to learn that.
Pain does not last forever,
nor is it necessarily unbeatable,
and we need to be taught that."
– Harold Kushner
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
The Iraqi leader was given a final warning six weeks ago,
Clinton said, when Baghdad promised to cooperate with
U.N. inspectors at the last minute just as U.S. warplanes were headed its way.
"Along with Prime Minister (Tony) Blair of Great Britain, I made it equally
clear that if Saddam failed to cooperate fully we would be prepared to act
without delay, diplomacy or warning,"Bill Clinton December 16, 1998

As a great fish swims between the banks of a river as it likes,
so does the shining Self move between the states of dreaming and waking.
-Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
Monday, November 14, 2005
Are you sure you want to keep saying we
were fooled by Ahmad Chalabi and the INC?
By Christopher Hitchens
click here to read
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Cassini's view of Saturn’s icy moon Dione is enriched by the tranquil gold and blue hues of Saturn’s rings in the background. The thin, curving shadows of the C ring and part of the B ring adorn the northern latitudes visible here, a reminder of the rings' grandeur.
It is notable that Dione, like most of the other icy Saturnian satellites, looks no different in natural color than in monochrome images. Images taken on Oct. 11, 2005, with blue, green and infrared (centered at 752 nanometers) spectral filters were used to create this color view, which approximates the scene as it would appear to the human eye.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

Which is bigger, Greenland or China?
With the traditional Mercator map (circa 1569, and still in use
in many schoolrooms and boardrooms today),
Greenland and China look the same size.
But in reality China is almost 4 times larger!
In response to such discrepancies,
Dr. Arno Peters created a new world map that dramatically
improves the accuracy of how we see the Earth.
Read about the map.
Neil's wish list.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

After the Los Angeles riots in 1992 the French were supercilious. It couldn’t happen here, they sniffed. The French social model made such a thing impossible. But on Sunday after ten nights of riots, French President Jacques Chirac convened an “emergency security meeting” to address the crisis.
He could start by ordering the French pompiers to put out the blaze in the social model, a system designed to frustrate opportunity and job growth for the poor and the marginalized.
The American Thinker
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The state of the Democratic party
Black Democratic leaders in Maryland say that racially
tinged attacks against Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele in his
bid for the U.S. Senate are fair because he is a conservative Republican.
read the whole article
Friday, October 21, 2005

They say that Miers is qualified.
To me the "qualifications"
needed for this position is a deep
understanding of the constitution,
and the future.
Janice Rogers Brown is that person.
Here is part of a speech she gave in 2000.
It is my thesis today that the sheer tenacity of the collectivist impulse —
whether you call it socialism or communism or altruism — has changed not only
the meaning of our words, but the meaning of the Constitution, and the character
of our people.
Government is the only enterprise in the world which
expands in size when its failures increase. Aaron Wildavsky gives a credible
account of this dynamic. Wildavsky notes that the Madisonian world has gone
"topsy turvy" as factions, defined as groups "activated by some common interest
adverse to the rights of other citizens or to the permanent and aggregate
interests of the community,"4 have been transformed into sectors of public
policy. "Indeed," says Wildavsky, "government now pays citizens to organize,
lawyers to sue, and politicians to run for office. Soon enough, if current
trends continue, government will become self-contained, generating (apparently
spontaneously) the forces to which it responds."5 That explains how, but not
why. And certainly not why we are so comfortable with that result.
This is what I believe,
This goes to the core of everything
that is wrong in this country.
Please read the whole speech.
click below
"A Whiter Shade of Pale": Sense and Nonsense —
The Pursuit of Perfection in Law and Politics
Speech of Janice Rogers Brown,
Associate Justice, California Supreme Court
The Federalist Society
University of Chicago Law School
April 20, 2000, Thursday
12:15 p.m.
Friday, October 14, 2005
530 [Discorus] ends his reign as Catholic Pope
1066 Battle of Hastings, in which William the Conqueror wins England
1586 Mary Queen of Scots goes on trial for conspiracy against Elizabeth
1774 1st Continental Congress is 1st to declare colonial rights (Phila)
1806 Battle of Auerstadt-French beat Prussians
1834 1st black to obtain a US patent, Henry Blair, for a corn planter
1843 British arrest Irish nationalist Daniel O'Connell for conspiracy
1862 Baseballer James Creighton ruptures bladder hitting HR, dies 10/18
1867 15th & last Tokugawa Shogun resigns in Japan
1884 George Eastman patents paper-strip photographic film
1905 NY Giants beats Phila A's, 4 games to 1 in 2nd World Series, Giant's Christy Mathewson's 3rd straight world series shutout
1906 All Chicago World Series, 1st AL victory, White Sox win 4 games to 2 (World Series #3)
1908 Cubs beat Tigers 4 games to 1 in 1st 5th World Series rematch
1912 Bull Moose Teddy Roosevelt shot while campaigning in Milwaukee
1920 Part of Petsamo province ceded by Soviet Union to Finland
1922 1st automated telephones-Pennsylvania exchange in NYC
1929 Phila A's beat Chicago Cubs, 4 games to 1 in 26th World Series
1929 Philadelphia A's set world series record of 10 runs in an inning (World Series #26)
1933 Nazi Germany announces withdrawal from League of Nations
1934 "Lux Radio Theatre" premieres
1939 BMI (Broadcast Music Incorporated) formed
1944 German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel commits suicide rather than face trial for his part in an attempt to overthrow Hitler
1945 Chicago Cardinals end a record 29-game losing streak, beat Bears
1947 Chuck Yeager in Bell XS-1 makes 1st supersonic flight (Mach 1.015)
1949 14 US Communist Party leaders convicted of sedition
1950 Rev Sun Young Moon liberated from Hung Nam prison
1951 Det Lion Jack Christiansen returns 2 punts for touchdowns vs LA Rams
1953 Ike promises to fire as Red any federal worker taking 5th amendment
1958 Malagasy Republic becomes autonomous republic in French Community
1960 Peace Corps 1st suggested by JFK
1962 Houston Oiler George Blanda throws for 6 TD passes vs NY Titans 56-17
1962 Neil Anderson was born!
1964 Martin Luther King Jr wins Nobel Peace Prize
1965 Joe Engle in X-15 reaches 80 km
1965 Sandy Koufax hurls his 2nd shutout of world series beating Twins 2-0 (World Series #62)
1968 1st live telecast from a manned US spacecraft (Apollo 7)
1968 Gruener & Watson (US) set scuba depth record (133 m) in Bahamas
1968 J.R. Hines of US runs 100 m in world record 9.95 sec
1969 Race riots in Springfield Mass
1970 Cleve Cavaliers lose to Buffalo Braves in their 1st game 107-92
1971 2 killed in Memphis racial disturbances
1975 Pres Ford escapes injury when his limousine is struck broadside
1976 Chris Chambliss' 9th inning lead off homer gives Yanks pennant #30
1976 Soyuz 23 carries 2 to Salyut 6, but returns without docking
1977 Linda Ronstadt sings the national anthem at the 74th World Series
1978 1st TV movie from a TV series-"Rescue from Gilligan's Island"
1978 Despite Denis Potvin hat trick in 3:21 Islanders lose 7-10, making Islander record when scoring a hat trick-22-2-1
1979 Flyers start 35 game unbeaten streak beating Toronto 4-3
1979 NHL's greatest scorer Wayne Gretsky scores his 1st NHL goal
1980 Bob Marley's last concert
1980 Pres nominee Ronald Reagan promises to name a woman to Supreme Court
1982 6,000 Unification church couples wed in Korea
1982 Islanders assessed 108 penalty minutes Penguins 125 (233 total)
1982 NY Islanders greatest shutout margin (9-0) vs Pittsburgh Penguins
1983 US Marine peacekeeper Sgt Allen Soifert killed by sniper in Beirut
1984 Detroit Tigers beat SD Padres, 4 games to 1 in 81st World Series
1985 On Mon Night football, Jets retire Joe Namath's #12, beat Miami 23-7
1986 Concentration camp survivor Elie Wiesel wins Nobel Peace Prize
1986 The IOC decides to stagger the Winter & Summer Olympic schedule
1986 Tim Kides of West NY, NJ performs 25,000 leg raises in 11:57:15
1987 In Midland, Tx 1«-year-old Jessica McClure falls 22' (7m) down a well
1988 Mike Tyson countersues Robin Givens for divorce and annulment
1988 NJ Devils raise their 1st pennant (Patrick Div Playoff Champs)
1989 Texas A&I, Johnny Bailey sets NCAA season rush record at 6,085 yards
1990 Jeff Goldblum & wife Geena Davis file for divorce
1990 SF 49er Joe Montana passes for 6 touchdowns vs Atlanta (45-35)
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
This is what Ronald Reagan had to say:
"Trust me" government asks that we concentrate our hopes and dreams on one man;
that we trust him to do what's best for us. My view of government places trust
not in one person or one party, but in those values that transcend persons and
parties. The trust is where it belongs--in the people. The responsibility to
live up to that trust is where it belongs, in their elected leaders. That kind
of relationship, between the people and their elected leaders, is a special kind
of compact.
1979 acceptance speech for the Republican nomination for president.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005
Sunday, September 18, 2005

Some people find the game of cricket
diffficult to understand.
Perhaps the following will help:
The first group is in and the second group goes out.
Some of the group which is in, go out.
The group that is out, tries to get the group that is in, out.
When one of the group that is in, is out, he goes in and the
next one goes out.
Then when all of the first group (except one) that is in, is out,
the second group that is out goes in.
The first group now goes out and tries to get the second group,
who now are in, out.
Only when both groups have been in and out twice is there a
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Prior to Hurricane Katrina, the nation's 10 deadliest natural
1. Galveston (Texas) Hurricane, 1900, estimated 8,000 deaths
2. Great Okeechobee Hurricane in Florida, 1928, estimated 2,500-plus
3. Johnstown, Pa., Flood, 1889, estimated 2,200-plus
4. Louisiana Hurricane, 1893, 2,000-plus
5. South Carolina-Georgia Hurricane, 1893, 1,000-2,000
6. Great New England Hurricane, 1938, 720
7. San Francisco Earthquake, 1906, 700
8. Georgia-South Carolina Hurricane, 1881, 700
9. Tri-State Tornado in Missouri, Illinois and Indiana, 1925, 695
10. Labor Day Hurricane that hit the Florida Keys, 1935, 405
Source: Rusty Pfost, meteorologist with the National Weather Service.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Monday, September 12, 2005
Al-Qaida has a master plan to take over the world and turn it into an Islamic state - by the year 2020.
Wishful thinking? Not in the minds of the top terrorist lieutenants interviewed by Jordanian journalist Fouad Hussein for a new book - including Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, mastermind of many atrocities in Iraq.
The plan, which is revealed for the first time in the Australian publication The Age, has seven phases:
Phase 1: The "awakening" in the consciousness of Muslims around the world following the 9/11 attacks, which were aimed at provoking the U.S. into declaring war on the Islamic world and mobilizing Islamic radicals.
Phase 2: "Opening eyes," the current period, which should last until 2006. Hussein said the terrorists hope to make the "Western conspiracy" aware of the "Islamic community" as al-Qaida continues to form its secret battalions.
Phase 3: "Arising and standing up," which should last until 2010 and bring increasingly frequent attacks against secular Turkey and archenemy Israel.
Phase 4: Lasting until 2013, this phase will see the fall of hated Arab regimes, including Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Oil suppliers will be attacked and the U.S. economy will be targeted with cyber terrorism.
Phase 5: An Islamic state, or caliphate, can be declared between 2013 and 2016.
Phase 6: "Total confrontation," beginning in 2016, will see the Islamic army begin the "fight between the believers and the non-believers" that has been predicted by Osama bin Laden.
Phase 7: "Definitive victory."
Hussein writes that this phase should be completed by 2020, and that the terrorists believe the caliphate will prove victorious because the rest of the world will be beaten down by an army of "one and a half billion Muslims."
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

This girl was very excited about her teddy bear. She wanted to show it to everyone.
To the left is investment banker Michael Hammer of Pontchatrain Capital.
He spent the past week getting the police anything that they wanted
according to police sources. He saw the girl and her family walking the
wrong way trying to evacuate. They said they had been walking around
for hours. So he drove them to the evacuation point. The little girl was
very appreciative and thanked him for the ride.
Sunday, September 04, 2005

President George W. Bush
issued the following statement
on the passing of Chief Justice
William Rehnquist.
PRESIDENT BUSH: Our nation is saddened today by the news that Chief Justice William Rehnquist passed away last night.
Laura and I send our respect and deepest sympathy to this good man's children, Jim, Janet and Nancy. We send our respect to all the members of the Rehnquist family.
William H. Rehnquist was born and raised in Wisconsin. He was the grandson of Swedish immigrants. Like so many of his generation, he served in the Army during World War II. He went on to college with the help of the G.I. Bill.
He studied law at Stanford University. He graduated first in his class. That included his future colleague Sandra Day O'Connor.
Judge Rehnquist and his late wife, Nan, raised their family in Phoenix, where he built a career as one of Arizona's leading attorneys.
He went on to even greater distinction in public service: as an assistant U.S. attorney general, associate justice of the Supreme Court and, for the past 19 years, chief justice of the United States.
He was extremely well-respected for his powerful intellect. He was respected for his deep commitment to the rule of law and his profound devotion to duty.
He provided superb leadership for the federal court system, improving the delivery of justice for the American people and earning the admiration of his colleagues throughout the judiciary.
Even during a period of illness, Chief Justice Rehnquist stayed on the job to complete the work of his final Supreme Court term.
I was honored and I was deeply touched when he came to the Capitol for the swearing-in last January.
He was a man of character and dedication. His departure represents a great loss for the court and for our country.
There are now two vacancies on the Supreme Court. And it will serve the best interests of the nation to fill those vacancies promptly. I will choose in a timely manner a highly qualified nominee to succeed Chief Justice Rehnquist.
As we look to the future of the Supreme Court, citizens of this nation can also look with pride and appreciation on the career of our late chief justice. More than half a century has passed since William H. Rehnquist first came to the Supreme Court as a young law clerk.
All of those years, William Rehnquist revered the Constitution and the laws of the United States. He led the judicial branch of government with tremendous wisdom and skill.
He honored America with a lifetime of service, and America will honor his memory.
May God bless the Rehnquist family.
Thank you all very much.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
In a telephone interview with reporters, corps officials said that although portions of the flood-protection levees remain incomplete, the levees near Lake Pontchartrain that gave way—inundating much of the city—were completed and in good condition before the hurricane.
However, they noted that the levees were designed for a Category 3 hurricane and couldn’t handle the ferocious winds and raging waters from Hurricane Katrina, which was a Category 4 storm when it hit the coastline. The decision to build levees for a Category 3 hurricane was made decades ago based on a cost-benefit analysis.
“I don’t see that the level of funding was really a contributing factor in this case,” said Lt. Gen. Carl Strock, chief of engineers for the corps. “Had this project been fully complete, it is my opinion that based on the intensity of this storm that the flooding of the business district and the French Quarter would have still taken place.”
Strock also denied that escalating costs from the war in Iraq contributed to reductions in funding for hurricane projects in Louisiana, as some critics have suggested. Records show that corps funding for the Louisiana projects has generally decreased in recent years.
Friday, September 02, 2005
He has a cam going but its spotty.
The Interdictor
Thursday, September 01, 2005

PREAMBLE to the Iraqi constitution
We the sons of Mesopotamia, land of the prophets, resting place of the holy imams, the leaders of civilization and the creators of the alphabet, the cradle of arithmetic: on our land, the first law put in place by mankind was written; in our nation, the most noble era of justice in the politics of nations was laid down; on our soil, the followers of the prophet and the saints prayed, the philosophers and the scientists theorized and the writers and poets created.
Recognizing God's right upon us; obeying the call of our nation and our citizens; responding to the call of our religious and national leaders and the insistence of our great religious authorities and our leaders and our reformers, we went by the millions for the first time in our history to the ballot box, men and women, young and old, on Jan. 30, 2005, remembering the pains of the despotic band's sectarian oppression of the majority; inspired by the suffering of Iraq's martyrs _ Sunni and Shiite, Arab, Kurd and Turkomen, and the remaining brethren in all communities _ inspired by the injustice against the holy cities in the popular uprising and against the marshes and other places; recalling the agonies of the national oppression in the massacres of Halabja, Barzan, Anfal and against the Faili Kurds; inspired by the tragedies of the Turkomen in Bashir and the suffering of the people of the western region, whom the terrorists and their allies sought to take hostage and prevent from participating in the elections and the establishment of a society of peace and brotherhood and cooperation so we can create a new Iraq, Iraq of the future, without sectarianism, racial strife, regionalism, discrimination or isolation.
Terrorism and "takfir" (declaring someone an infidel) did not divert us from moving forward to build a nation of law. Sectarianism and racism did not stop us from marching together to strengthen our national unity, set ways to peacefully transfer power, adopt a manner to fairly distribute wealth and give equal opportunity to all.
We the people of Iraq, newly arisen from our disasters and looking with confidence to the future through a democratic, federal, republican system, are determined _ men and women, old and young _ to respect the rule of law, reject the policy of aggression, pay attention to women and their rights, the elderly and their cares, the children and their affairs, spread the culture of diversity and defuse terrorism.
We are the people of Iraq, who in all our forms and groupings undertake to establish our union freely and by choice, to learn yesterday's lessons for tomorrow, and to write down this permanent constitution from the high values and ideals of the heavenly messages and the developments of science and human civilization, and to adhere to this constitution, which shall preserve for Iraq its free union of people, land and sovereignty.
read the entire document
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Monday, August 08, 2005
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Monday, August 01, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005
of Cryogenically Stored Twinkies(R). Abstract
We believe that the internal structural properties of TWINKIES
can be effectively studied through cryogenic alteration of their
intrinsic elasticity followed by application of sudden shocks.
We have discovered two phenomena which may be worthy
of further investigation --
Twinkie Fission and Twinkie Adhesion Molecular Effect (TAME).
Each are described in detail and commented upon.
click here to read abstract
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Bobby "Boris" Pickett and
the Crypt-Kickers Monster Mash

Let me know what your birthstar is and does it make sense.
Find out your birthstar
Friday, July 15, 2005
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Sunday, July 10, 2005

Nov. 10, 2009
Reeves – Keanu (45) died of dehydration on the front lawn
of his home in the Hollywood hills Tuesday morning.
The 45-year-old actor reportedly accepted a challenge from
fellow actor and former co-star Gary Busey, who claimed Reeves
“couldn’t act his way out of a paper bag.”
Reeves spent his final four days in a 8 x 5 foot brown sack
deprived of food and water. Witnesses passing by Reeves’
home said they could faintly hear the “actor” reading scenes
from the famed works of Shakespeare and Tennessee Williams,
but claimed he “just wasn’t believable,” due to his rigid delivery
and surfer dialect. Others pointed out that his performance
suffered greatly from its complete absence of special effects.
Keanu Reeves leaves behind his mother, Patricia, his father,
Sam, and two sisters, Karina and Kim. The name “Keanu,”
given to him by his father, means “cool breeze over the mountains”
in Hawaiian. However, in English, “Keanu” means “extremely fu---ble.”
Reeves’ ashes are to be set to sea off the coast of the island of Maui.
via Jest
Thursday, July 07, 2005
You're Ireland!
Mystical and rain-soaked, you remain mysterious to many people, and this
makes you intriguing. You also like a good night at the pub, though many are just as
worried that you will blow up the pub as drink your beverage of choice. You're good
with words, remarkably lucky, and know and enjoy at least fifteen ways of eating a potato.
You really don't like snakes.
Take the Country Quiz at
the Blue Pyramid
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Friday, June 24, 2005
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Monday, June 20, 2005
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Friday, June 17, 2005

"Polls show that Muslims have positive attitudes toward the American people and
our values. However, overall, favorable ratings toward the United States and its
Government are very low. This is driven largely by the negative attitudes toward
the policies of this administration. "Dick Durbin
read his full speech
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Friday, June 10, 2005
Sunday, May 29, 2005

I watched the flag pass by one day.
It fluttered in the breeze.
A young Marine saluted it,
And then he stood at ease.
I looked at him in uniform
So young, so tall, so proud,
With hair cut square and eyes alert
He'd stand out in any crowd.
I thought how many men like him
Had fallen through the years.
How many died on foreign soil?
How many mothers' tears?
How many pilots' planes shot down?
How many died at sea?
How many foxholes were soldiers' graves?
No, freedom isn't free.
I heard the sound of taps one night,
When everything was still
I listened to the bugler play
And felt a sudden chill.
I wondered just how many times
That taps had meant "Amen,"
When a flag had draped a coffin
Of a brother or a friend.
I thought of all the children,
Of the mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons and husbands
With interrupted lives.
I thought about a graveyard
At the bottom of the sea
Of unmarked graves in Arlington.
No, freedom isn't free.
Author unknown
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Thursday, May 19, 2005

"Government is the only enterprise in the world which expands in size when its failures increase. Aaron Wildavsky gives a credible account of this dynamic. Wildavsky notes that the Madisonian world has gone "topsy turvy" as factions, defined as groups "activated by some common interest adverse to the rights of other citizens or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community,"4 have been transformed into sectors of public policy. "Indeed," says Wildavsky, "government now pays citizens to organize, lawyers to sue, and politicians to run for office. Soon enough, if current trends continue, government will become self-contained, generating (apparently spontaneously) the forces to which it responds."5 That explains how, but not why. And certainly not why we are so comfortable with that result."
Click here to read the rest of the speech