
Stories and news from Iraq after the liberation
Which one of those Arabs know the meaning of Democracy, Elections,
Human rights and other terms which considered as weird words
when heard in the ‘Arab Nation’?
It’s funny to listen to those Arab ‘analysts’ when they talk against the
It’s funny to listen to those Arab ‘analysts’ when they talk against the
new Iraqi Interim government and that’s not an elected government,
and does not have the legal rights to act or legislate the rules and laws
and apply them on the Iraqi people!
Isn’t it strange to hear them talking like that, most of those are Syrians,
Isn’t it strange to hear them talking like that, most of those are Syrians,
Palestinians, Egyptians and many others from the rest of our ‘lovely’
Arab nation, in addition to those Islamists and clerics who have been
occupying our channels recently, those who play the biggest rule in the
‘anti-everything’ opinions