A story
A man sits alone at his computer early one morning before the sun is up. He wonders about where his life is going and whether there will be anyone at his funeral. He is tired and confused, always trying his very best to make everyone happy yet he has seemed to fail. There is such misery in the world, how can one man possibly fight all the demons? How much energy is in him? He thinks about all the evil done to him in his life, all the bad people that have shaped his life into what is is. Why? As he sits there all alone he begins to realize that, actually, he is not sitting in the dark alone. There is a light shining from somewhere. He looks around to find the source of the light but cannot find it. 'Am I going mad?' He thinks.
But with the lights off and just the glow of the computer he still senses a light, a light that surrounds him, makes him warm inside. He suddenly aware that the light is coming from inside him! An energy that he had forgotten, an energy he had known he had when he was young. A tear fell from his eye unexpectadly, He was not alone after all. God was shining his light through him, giving him all the energy needed to fight the fight. His life was worthwhile and there was more good in the world than evil. The sun broke over the horizon as an answer to his questions. Another day. Another battle. A new life!